
Have You Seen The New Keen Kids Shoes?

  JustaBXgirl is one of the most princessy princesses you will ever meet.  She is also a three year old who loves to run EVERYWHERE, climb EVERYTHING and jump like she’s part froggy.  Buying shoes for her is always a challenge.  She will...

They’re Always Watching

As a child my parents had the Children Learn What They Live poem on our refrigerator.  I can remember looking at it even before I could read and asking them what it said.  I can vaguely recall children carrying balloons pictured around the words...

#MommyWars – Breastfeeding Edition

I’m sure you all know that I am a HUGE breastfeeding advocate.  In fact JustaBXgirl is still breastfed.  Yup, three years old and still loving her mama’s milk.  She’s actually curled up on my lap having baba as I type. Suffice to...

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