JustaBXgirl loves YouTube. I’m well aware that she is not alone. What is it about YouTube that can get children (and adults) sucked into a time warp. You start on one innocent video and then all of a sudden it is THREE hours later. The...
Haven’t shared one of our YouTube StoryTime videos in a while. Here’s a fun rhyming one! We have fun reading the Phonics Readers books because they are “Created in consultation with a language expert, this book is part of...
Minime loves YouTube. Recently she has gone from watching surprise eggs to watching people dye eggs. I figured she would get a kick out of doing her own eggs. I bought two different types of dye. One was a dipping type and the other was sponge...
If your house is anything like mine you LOVE The Lion Guard. If DVR could wear out the way that VCR tapes used to Minime would have popped the DVR recording long ago. She has watched the movie so many times she knows the words by heart. We even...