Happy Birthday Care Bears!!! I’m betting that some of you reading this remember having your own Care Bear growing up. I have vivid memories of getting excited every time a new movie was released on VHS. Ha, VHS! JustaBXgirl would be so confused if I showed her a VHS tape and said it had a movie on it. But I digress, to celebrate thirty-five years of cuddling and caring the Care Bears have partnered up with the world’s first cupcake company, Sprinkles. How sweet is that??? (Pun fully intended.)

JustaBXgirl and I were invited to be part of the festivities recently. We got to decorate cupcakes and cuddle with some Care Bears. I think JustaBXgirl might be considering a future in cupcakes as she genuinely enjoyed creating some yummy treats. She made about half a dozen original designs that she was excited to bring home and share with her cousins. They were a hit at home where we continued the sugar rush and party!

Don’t worry, you can get your own Care Bears cupcake at a Sprinkles near you. I know, I know, it might not be a JustaBXgirl design but they are really cute in their own right. Sprinkles will be selling these adorable, delicious treats through January 25th. But wait, there’s more. At least for my NYC area readers. All my other readers please check with your local Sprinkles.
On Saturday, January 21st at select locations there will be huge celebrations for National Hug Day. At Sprinkles UES (780 Lexington Ave) there will be a real life Care Bear hanging out giving out hugs. If you’re in the neighborhood make sure to stop by for sweet treats and giveaways. Look for me and JustaBXgirl and make sure to say hi! We’ll be there continuing her birthday celebration.