It is board game season in our home. Woo hoo. We’ve been blessed with adding some really awesome game titles to our game shelf. In fact, I have to find ways to store all of our games because we have now outgrown the three shelves and one giant plastic bin we use to store all of our games. I am really hoping some of you can share different ways that you store your games so we can develop some space-saving options. In the meantime, we will just live surrounded by all of the fun quite literally! Seriously though, board games are the perfect seasonal transition option.
We play board games all year long but get the most use out of them in the fall as we transition back into being home more. I try to keep JustaBXgirl off the screens during the week so if she finishes homework early I might offer to play a game or three before it’s time for bed. More than likely though, we will spend a Friday evening having family game night. A lot of the time we can even get JustaBXgrandpa to join in the fun. JustaBXgirl has even taken a few favorite games over to Abuela’s. Here are a few of the titles that we have recently added to our collection.
Mr. Pop – I really like this game. Can you build Mr. Pop’s face before he pops??? What is really fun is that you can change the amount of time you have to complete the challenge. We enjoy games that are quick and when you’re trying to beat the POP you are being quick! A great thing about this game is that it can be played alone! Yup, you can play alone. JustaBXgirl is an only child and this mama got a todo list that is taller than her so sometimes I need her to work alone. On those days, she can still enjoy the game. And when I do have time to play, we can enjoy it together.
Boom Goes The Dynamite – This game gets a thumbs up from me for a number of reasons. One, it is travel-sized. I love games that can come on trips with us. Two, it’s a learning game. That makes me sold ASAP. It keeps your brain figuring things out. It is ages 8+ but that’s because it takes some quick thinking and basic math skills. The third reason that I like this game is it is another quick play game.
Harry Potter Spell Casters – This is a game for Hogwarts students everywhere! Can you tell which spell is being cast? Have you been practicing your casting? If you have a Harry Potter fan in your life then they need this!
Dragon Snacks – This is such a cute game. It is great to work on colors and memory with littles. And you get a dragon pet! It is a fun, quick game that allows littles to practice taking turns, identifying colors, paying close attention and having fun!
Meltdown – Can you play this without having a meltdown??? It is all about strategy and balance. We’ve been playing this for most of the summer. I love that this game stores inside itself. Why don’t more games come like this???
3 Up 3 Down – Another easy to travel with card game. And this one although it has a 7+ rating can be fun for the littles if they can keep up. It can go pretty quick and you want to be ready for your turn. This game is for 2 – 6 players. You can even add a second deck and play with more making this perfect for a playdate!