JustaNJmom put together a great list of books to help us on the journey of parenting. I mean, let’s face it, we can all use a little motivation now and then. This list of kid’s books in a way is meant to motivate our littles as well. I’m excited that in our home books are friends. I know though that getting out littles motivated to read can sometimes be a challenge. This month’s list is full of ways to get littles excited about opening books.
Hidden Picture Puzzles At The Zoo – Before a little can consider a book to be a friend they have to see that books can be fun. What’s more fun than a book that you can write in? Look and find books have been a staple in our home since JustaBXgirl was teeny tiny. I love that this one is kind of growing up with her. These items take a moment for littles to find as they are in black and white ready for our readers to color when they find them. Also, my favorite part is that while littles are having fun solving and coloring the puzzles they also can learn interesting facts about the animals. Who says learning isn’t fun?
1,2,3 Who’s Cleaning The Sea – This book is beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. It is a beautiful way to introduce littles to the need to clean the sea. It also introduces sea animals. I love that it shows that the animals all work together and humans have a responsibility as well. It shares specific items that do not belong in the sea as well as ways that we can be a hero because the sea is counting on us. This was a wonderful addition to our library because JustaBXgirl has loved sea animals since she was obsessed with The Octonauts. She also asks every year if she can help clean beaches.
100 Ways To Be Thankful-An attitude of gratitude is something I work to share with JustaBXgirl. It is easy to overlook blessings when we are busy trying to get through the day to day but I never want my little to forget to see the beauty and blessing in everything. This book is a wonderful way to remember to show gratitude to the big and small. It also has concrete ways where we can be blessings to others while showing our gratitude to the world we live in. One of my favorites is number 46. It is simple. It is LOVE. It reminds us to love others enthusiastically and allow ourselves to be loved in return.
Thank You Body, Thank You Heart – This book is written for our littles but is just as important for us bigs. Even when we live in an attitude of gratitude we tend to take things for granted. And one of the unsung heroes of the world is our functioning bodies. This book is a great way to help littles unwind at the end of the day while being intentional about recognizing the work that our bodies do throughout the day. When was the last time you thanked your neck? Or your arms? JustaBXgirl sometimes has difficulty turning her body off at bedtime so we will be using this as a tool to help.
The Kingdom Of Glee – This book is a beautiful way to discuss emotions with littles. It is a great lesson on how working together and caring about our community not only helps the community but helps us as well. I like how it shows that negative moods can be contagious. It leaves a lot of room for discussions with littles about what they think can and will happen. I like comparing the kingdoms to JustaBXgirl’s classroom.
November might be ending but we should always live in gratitude. Adding these titles to our personal libraries or borrowing them from the public library is a great way to remember once the Thanksgiving leftovers are finished.