How is February over already??? This has been a very busy month but I couldn’t let it pass by without sharing some new reads with all of you! Here are some of the books that we have been reading and wanting to read as of lately.

From Burning Out To Burning Bright – There is something about a new year that leaves you feeling hopeful and renewed. Sadly though, that feeling doesn’t normally stay around long as we get bogged down with day to day needs and must-dos. By this point in the year, yes in month two, many of us might already begin feeling burned out and ready to throw the towel in. This book is full of ways to help us recharge in immediate and long term relief.

How to Travel With Kids (Without Losing Your Mind): Real World Tips and Practical Solutions For Traveling With Your Children – I have been traveling with JustaBXgirl since she was four months old. I have learned a lot during that time but I am always open to advice from others. This family has traveled to over 41 families so I am sure they know a thing or two and I look forward to learning from them.

The Big Buna Bash– I love books that allow us to learn about new cultures. Did you know that buna means coffee in Ethiopia? I didn’t. At least, I didn’t until I read the book. It is a beautifully illustrated story that is both sweet and educational. I love how the story is a great way to discuss differences in families and cultures.

Hello Angel Fun & Fantastic Animals Adult Coloring Collection – I really like that this book includes quotes along with pictures to color and create. It adds to the mafic and makes me feel as if I am bringing motivation to life through colors.