You ever watch a movie and it just stays with you? If you read my review on For Rosa a few weeks ago, then you know that this short film is definitely one that will stay with you. Since learning about the Madrigal 10 from the film I have been doing research for a post about forced sterilization in the United States. That will be coming soon because sadly this isn’t limited to one hospital in LA.
Today though, I am here to share with you that I had the pleasure of jumping on a few phone calls recently with two fierce women and I wanted to share what we talked about with you. The first person I had the pleasure of speaking with was Idalia Valles. That’s the call that I will be sharing today.

You might be familiar with Idalia from Queen of the South where she played Isabella Vargas. This time, Idalia plays attorney Jessica. Jessica is a fierce, young attorney that is ready to take on The Man and reminds me a bit of the woman who plays her. Here’s some of our conversation. I bet after reading it you will find her as fierce as I do.

JustaBXmom: How did you get involved with the film (For Rosa)?
Idalia: I had known the director, Kathryn Boyd-Batstone previously from an interview on a previous project I did. We stayed friends and I said, “whatever projects you have, let me know and I’m there for them because she’s such a great person and storyteller.” She presented me with the story and I said, “I’m down a hundred percent.”
JustaBXmom: Were you familiar with the topic before becoming involved with the movie? Did you know of the Madrigal 10?
Idalia: No, I didn’t. That’s the thing that kind of shook me up a lot. You know, being a Latin woman and not knowing about this history, that’s so important. I think it was super important to make this movie so we could spread the word of this reproductive case.
JustaBXmom: What did you do to prepare for this role?
Idalia: I wanted to think about the pressure. She’s young. She’s only 26 years old so she has so much pressure to deliver such big news to women that are older or the same age. She has so much responsibility and pressure and she’s young and that has to make her a very strong person yet she has to be vulnerable to these women. She had a lot of layers to her. I think that was something very special for me to think about.
JustaBXmom: You’re also a young, strong Latina. What is it that you want people to know about you?
Idalia: Me, personally? I hope people know I’m here to represent that Latinx woman that’s here for her community and for anything that’s unjust for the world. If I can change your day by saying something positive to put a smile on your face, that’s what I’m about. I’m here for my community and I want to make that super apparent to everyone.
JustaBXmom: Do you see a connection with this film and what’s happening in our current climate?
Idalia: I do. I really do because even now, I talk to a lot of people that work in this world of health care and they tell me that they see the injustices still till this day for People of Color, you know, they’re treated as second class citizens. Or you know, they’re like the second thought or they’re not believed. A lot of times doctors don’t think that People of Color have pain. I still can’t believe this is a problem now. So that’s why I think this is equally as important to tell now as it was back then. A lot of things haven’t changed, you know?

Are you as captivated by her as I am? Make sure to go follow Idalia on Instagram. I can’t wait to see what her next project is and am wishing this superstar so much success and happiness in life.