I took down my Christmas Tree a little over a week ago. Now I’m looking for homes to place all 24354657687899 gifts JustaBXgirl got for Christmas 2024. As we find places to store all the new items, I start thinking about the old items. I smile at the memories that they each bring. I reflect on which items are now more Hops items than JustaBXgirl’s. And together, JustaBXgirl and I decide which items to say goodbye to. When you’re a toy blogger/content creator, the number of toys that find their way into your home could rival just about any toy aisle.
Just like in those toy aisles, it is important to clear shelf space for new inventory. You would be surprised, some of the most popular toys that are quickly obsessed over end up finding themselves on the bottom of the toy bins while the random ones are super loved and always in rotation. Those at the toys that this post is about. You will see five toys that have been loved and obsessed over for at least a year. You won’t find LEGO sets on this post because JustaBXgirl builds her sets and then remodels them to make them her own. She plays/creates with LEGO almost daily but if I was going to list LEGO it would take over the entire list. I also didn’t include anything feature in Toys That Don’t Get Old. Looking over that list, I realize all of those items are still holding strong!

Pixel Stars Digital Dream House – This pops up every few months and I swear we all become obsessed all over again for a few weeks until someone puts it down somewhere and we can’t find it again. It comes with three characters and is fun for everyone. Hops has even learned how to take care of her pink-haired friend. If you love Tamagotchi you will get a kick out of this. Sadly, it is difficult to find so you might have to try eBay or Mercari.

Cats vs. Pickles – I debated if I could call this an old toy because we add new ones to our collection somewhat regularly. I decided since we started our collection over a year ago, they count. I love the versatility of these toys. They serve as math manipulatives. They have adventures. They are used for juggling practice. They are used to play catch. The usage opportunities are endless.

FGeeTV Mr. Beats Boom Box – Hops has learned the words to FGeeTV songs because of this toy. We were sad when they stopped adding new toys to the toy line but will hold onto this one forever. It is such a cool looking toy, as well as really fun to play with.

Rubber Chickens – The link doesn’t take you to the exact chicken I’m talking about. The ones we got came from Dollar Tree back when things actually cost $1 there. Fun Trivia: I did not want to buy them so JustaBXgirl decided she would buy them herself. She then realized that she didn’t have money on her. I told her if I bought them for her she would have to pay me back and I was charging a $4 surcharge per chicken. I thought charging her $5 each would deter her from wanting them. Nope! She paid me back $10 to have these darn chickens. They are another toy that gets used in a number of ways. They are served as food. They work as Police Chickens. They randomly get squeaked just because.

Disney Princess Gourmet Kitchen – The version we have is no longer on sale but the one in the link is currently 50% off. This is one of those toys that is filled with a lifetime of memories. When it is time to say goodbye, I will definitely cry. JustaBXgirl had so much fun with it and now Hops plays with it daily. Other than some stickers being added and removed between the girls, it is still in mint condition!