Tag: bookshelf

books, reading list, what ya reading, children's books, parenting books, summer reads

August Bookshelf + Giveaway

We received some of these titles for review purposes. As always all opinions are honest and solely my own. This post contains affiliate links. Summer is about getting outside and being kissed by the sun. It is about making memories. It is about...

books, reading list

May Bookshelf & Star Stable Giveaway!

We were sent some of these titles for review purposes. As always, all opinions are honest and my own. This post contains affiliate links. With the school year winding down, I do my best to make sure JustaBXgirl has productive ways to transition into...

April Bookshelf

We received many of these books for review purposes. As always all opinions are honest and solely my own. Affiliate links are included! Spring has sprung. That means days are longer and there is more time for reading. I’ve been talking a lot...

books, reading list, what ya reading, children's books, parenting books, summer reads

August Bookshelf

We received some of these titles for review purposes. As always all opinions are honest and solely my own. This post contains affiliate links. How is it August already? Does time even still matter? Usually, this is the point of the summer when...

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