I know it’s cold outside and most of us just want to pull the covers over our heads and hibernate until the spring comes (it’s me… I’m most people). Our littles don’t care that its 15 degrees outside and that it would...
Now that we have all finished stuffing ourselves like Thanksgiving turkeys, its time to move right on into the ring jing jingling of December. Ahhhh the holidays bring out the best in us don’t they? A time for giving… a time for...
So many people think that with the end of summer comes the end of fun. Not I my good friends… I say the fun is just beginning. Nothing I love better than the crisp air of Autumn, the turning of the leaves, pumpkins, harvest festivals and so...
I recently had a play date with a very close friend of mine who’s child is sensory sensitive. Are you familiar with the term? Yea neither was I until this beautiful little one came along. So lets catch you up to speed… Sensory...