Tag: momboss

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Learn How To Be A Real #MOMBOSS

Chances are if you’re reading this you’re a mom.  Chances also are you are interested in being your own boss or have already made the jump into entrepreneurship.  Trust me you are in the right place.  Even if you’re already the...

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#MompreneurMondays – Alexis and Jill

If you read my Top Picks from ENK Children’s Club then you know that Fasten swimsuits stopped me in my tracks.  I was in awe with the aha moment the ladies behind the business had and brought into existence.  I knew I had to know more.  I knew...

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#MompreneurMondays – Heather Yang

Last month, I was blessed with the opportunity to attend Playtime New York. It being my first time attending the trade show, I didn’t really know what to expect. It was a wonderful chance to be introduced to new children’s brands and...

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