I wanted to blog about my life as a single mom of an amazing little person ever since I found out I was expecting. I even started a blog shortly before she was born. I posted here and there on it then blogging was ruined for me. I saw someone very close to me tormented by the words she chose to share on her blog. Twisted people decided to use her words out of context and vilify her for being an honest mother. It made me distrust having my words read in the public. It made me scared to be the voice that I knew God was calling me to be. My story of being a single mother is not the normal divorced, separated or even broken up. My story is that of choice. I was a single woman in my early 30s and realized that more than anything I wanted to be someone’s mommy. I chose to ask a man I was involved in a casual intimate relationship (what an oxymoron) to be the father to my child. I chose to have a child. And she chose me to be her mommy. Today I am choosing to blog. Tomorrow? Who knows?