Easter Egg Hunt At Home

Easter Egg Hunt At Home

We received products from Redwood Ventures for review purposes. As always, all opinions are honest and my own

Last Easter we spent the day hanging out at Disneyland Paris. This Easter we will be spending at home. No traveling. No church. No Easter gatherings with friends. We will be home, in our humble abode practicing extreme social distancing. That doesn’t mean that we won’t be having fun though.

One of JustaBXgirl’s favorite things to do for Easter is to have an egg hunt. When she was teeny tiny I would hide plastic eggs around the house for her and her cousins to find. I haven’t done that in years but she was really looking forward to hanging out with the Cruz Critters for an outdoor egg hunt like the one we had two Easters ago so I decided to bring the at-home hunt back.

Thanks to Oriental Trading I have tons of plastic eggs waiting to be filled. We were actually planning to give each of her classmates an egg or two filled with treats before Spring Break started but that won’t be happening this year! Instead, I will fill some of those eggs with treats and hide them for JustaBXgirl and her dolls to find together.

But wait there’s more! I want this to be extra special so I have some extra special eggs that I will be hiding. What’s so special about these eggs you ask? Well, I rarely allow JustaBXgirl to have candy. Okay, a bit more frequently than rarely BUT I don’t usually give her candy as a reward or a treat. Yet, this year, I will be making an exception. The stars of my egg hunt will be Yolkies and Foodie Surprise Candy Slime.

Yolkies are adorable. Inside the egg, you will find candy egg slime and a collectible. There are twelve figures to collect in season one and the cool thing is you can pop your little egg figure out of its costume to mix and match. I see hours of fun playing with these.

Foodie Surprise Candy Slime is just that. It is candy slime that comes in an egg with mystery mix-ins. There are six flavors in all. Do you think you can identify each one? I’m looking forward to seeing how JustaBXgirl eats these. Normally, she likes to eat her food separately so I’m wondering if she will eat the mix-ins separate or give them a shot to make a slimy new dish!

We have a tiny apartment filled with stuff. Picking hiding places is going to be interesting. I want it to be challenging but not impossible. I decided on these ten places and figured I would share in case you needed some ideas of your own:

  1. Toy Kitchen – JustaBXgirl spends a lot of time cooking things up in her Disney Princess Kitchen. I figure this is the perfect place to put a few eggs since it has many storage areas.
  2. Front Table – We decorate a small table at the entryway of our apartment for each season. I think putting an egg or two in the midst will be a great way to greet JustaBXgirl.
  3. Refrigerator – After a play kitchen, a real kitchen is a great place to store egg hunt eggs! RIght next to the real ones.
  4. Reading Nook – JustaBXgirl has created a small nook for herself with pillows, books, a portable DVD player, her laptop and a lamp. I’m sure I can tuck an egg or two in this area.
  5. Google Home Nest – We have both Google and Alexa in our house but use Google much more frequently. Our Google Home Hub lives on JustaBXgirl’s desk. I plan to tuck an egg off to the side of it.
  6. Television – JustaBXgirl normally doesn’t watch too much TV. The thing is though that we are not living in normal time so her television intake is on the rise. Since it is now on her radar I think this will be a cool spot to place an egg in front of for an easy find.
  7. Barbie Dream House – There’s always something going on in that house so why not have an egg visit the current tenants?
  8. Snack Shelf – We don’t have a pantry but we do have a snack shelf (which is really like three shelves). This is an ideal hiding spot for some of our slimy surprises.
  9. Under Plushies – Everyday JustaBXgirl arranges her stuffed toys and Moosh-Moosh pillows on the bed. I think I can get away with sticking a few eggs in between. Hope the plushies don’t tell the secret.
  10. In a Shoe – Shoes play a big part of gift-giving in some cultures for some holidays. Why not make them part of the fun for this one?

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