I wanted to update you rather than just not posting about Mommy Mondays or Father Fridays anymore. I’ve decided to only do one post a month for each. Not because I don’t think that there are many parents that should be given a chance to be acknowledged but I don’t want to lessen the point of the feature.
Being a parent is really hard. It is the most difficult job in the world and it doesn’t require any training, testing or licenses to be hired. With that being said it is also in my opinion the most important job in the world. It is the most rewarding job in the world. And at times the most overwhelming job.
I don’t want my posts to take away from what each and everyone of us are doing. We are raising some amazing little people. We are doing our best daily. We are also making mistakes along the way. Hopefully, you (like me) have some other amazing parents as part of your village to help you on this journey.
That was my point in highlighting #MommyMondays and #FatherFridays. I wanted to highlight some of my village people (haha, get what I did there?). I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to some parents that I admire.
I was also hoping to give you the chance to acknowledge some parents that you admire. I still want to do that but I just feel that I need to do it in a different way.
For now I am planning to post a mom and a dad (and who knows maybe a grandparent, aunt, uncle or godparent) once a month. My village is full of people that deserve the accolades. Even still if you have someone in your village that you would like to see acknowledged send me an email about them with links to their social media at justabxmom@gmail.com