A lot of really cool things cross my inbox. One thing that recently passed through my inbox is a new Kickstarter campaign from Frida Matute for Indy Talk Shop.
Frida is a pediatric speech-language therapist from New York City that knows we parents want the best for our littles. She also knows that while for the most part we want to play with our littles we don’t always have the clarity on just how to play. Think about how many times your child has passed you a toy and you’r kind of stuck at what to do next. Just me? The Playbox is meant to circumvent this from happening. Think of it like scripted play for parents. Yup, you get to do something you’re probably already doing with your child (reading) while your child gets to play with the accompanying toys.
The first Playbox coming out next month is called “Indy and The Farm” and is the first to launch out of a series of Playboxes. It is geared at children 18 – 36 months old. The thing is, Frida won’t be launching the toys unless she reaches her goal. She’s trying to reach $25,000 for the project and at the time of this post has reached a little over $1,500. Her Kickstarter is new and could use some help. Check it out here and see what you think.
I’m really hoping to see this project meet the goal because I’m looking forward to Indy and The Farm and the future adventures of Indy to give away to littles in my life for the holidays.