I had been hoping to get a good book roundup together for you before the summer began. As you know that didn’t happen. So with these last few weeks of summer I want to share some of what is on our bookshelf right now. There’s still time left to pick these up before summer is over. A few of them will also be great for getting you and your littles back into the school season routine.
Skinny Cooking? Can It Really Be Yummy?

I probably cook less in the summer than I do throughout the rest of the year. Even still, when Secrets of Skinny Cooking passed by my desk I was intrigued. JustaBXgirl is always telling me I have a fat belly and in this year of remembering to #LoveMe I’m trying to get back to eating and being healthy. Random fact, I told JustaBXgirl that I would give up soda since we got back from California. I’ve cheated a few times but in the past two weeks I’ve mainly been drinking water. Woot woot!
Back to Secrets of Skinny Cooking, I was worried that skinny cooking would equate to tasteless cooking. Boy was I wrong! The photos alone are mouth watering and when you actually follow the recipes they are definitely yummy in your tummy. And you will find something for every meal. And it will be something tasty. Who would have thought that French Toast Eggs-In-A-Hole could be low calorie?
Now that we’re starting to wind down summer having a book like this around can be fun for meal planning. I’ve never been good at it but with the desire to send JustaBXgirl to school with lunch daily means I will need to plan ahead. Looking forward to trying some of these for our fall lunches.
Busy Bees will Love Busy Bags!
By this point in the summer many parents are pulling their hair out looking for something to keep their littles busy. I know some days I need to go into my bag of tricks to keep JustaBXgirl busy. Have you heard of Busy Bags? They’re a way to keep your little entertained quietly! I know, where have these been all of my life! Of course, if you’re little is anything like mine they might want you to play with them a bit but these are still a great resource to have at your disposal. This book contains instructions on how to create 52 fun filled boxes, bags and bins because sometimes a bag can’t fit all of the fun.
Fidget Spinner Fun
Fun With Fidget Spinners – 50 Super Cool Tricks & Activities
Not sure about your littles but JustaBXgirl and her cousin love fidget spinners. I’ve lost track of just how many my nephew now has. JustaBXgirl has around three, one of which lights up! At least in my house this fad isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. To keep the fun going we’ve started trying to master tricks and activities. What I like about this book is that it doesn’t just give directions on how to do the tricks it also gives tips on how to be safe. Take the nose spinner, for example. I love the tip on practicing in sunglasses to not only look cool but to protect your eyes! The book also gives some history and information on the fidget spinner beyond sharing tricks. It’s a great way to get the little that loves fidget spinners but not that into books to read!!!
Historical Fiction Fan!
I love historical fiction. Being able to be transported back into a world that really happened with stories that might not have happened. Reading the author’s portrayal of what might have occurred makes me wonder how our present will look to generations in the future. One of my favorite historical periods to visit is Henry VIII’s court and all of the craziness that came with the Tudors. I was really excited about receiving The Other Tudors and revisiting the Tudor Court.
Be You…Always!
I’ve been paying close attention to stories that teach children they should be who they really are. Batty Betty has quickly become a favorite in our home. JustaBXgirl has made me read it three times today alone! She probably knows it by heart at this point but still likes to make mommy read. It’s the story of learning that it is okay not to be who others tell you that you should be. It is okay to dance to your own tune.
You Are Magic.
Hello Angel Unicorns Mermaids & Other Mythical Creatures Coloring Collection
We love everything unicorn and mermaid so when given the chance to color them how can we refuse? While I would consider this to be a young adult or adult coloring book the magic attracts even younger artists. JustaBXgirl claimed this as her own as soon as she saw it arrive and will occasionally let me color with her! The drawings in this coloring book really feel like they can fly off the page or transport you to a magical land filled with fairies, unicorns and mermaids.
There’s Always A Way!
What’s a bear to do when he’s all out of his favorite snack? My favorite part of this book is that Oogie finds a way. JustaBXgirl also was able to figure out what was coming next which I thought was really cool for her to see where the book was going. And who doesn’t want to tag along on a rainy day adventure with a bear?!
As you see I have a little something for everyone in this round up and I’m happy to say that one of you will be receiving a summer reading pack from me! Winner will receive a copy of Batty Betty, Busy Bags Kids Will Love, Fun With Fidget Spinners and Secrets of Skinny Cooking.
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