JustaBXgirl has been taking some sort of activity since she was eighteen months old. That’s when JustaNOLAmom and I put JustaBXgirl and JustaNOLAboy in swim class together. After swim came ballet. Then gymnastics, followed by MMA. JustaBXgirl likes moving. For a moment in time, she was taking most of these at the same time. How that stopped is a story for another day.
JustaBXgrandpa kept asking when I would get her piano lessons. Every few months he would mention that it would be wonderful if his grandbaby could play the piano. I agreed it would be wonderful but wasn’t sure if my force of nature could commit to something so stationary. Plus, how would we fit it into our already packed schedule?
Y’all already know I believe the universe listens. Right between trying to remember which uniform to pack in her book bag and which day of the week it is I received an email about PianoPiano looking to work with bloggers! I swear I have a fairy godmother sometimes. PianoPiano rents pianos so that families do not have to commit to buying a piano. If your child takes any type of lessons/activities you know they won’t really excel if they only do the activity during the class time. So, if you’ve committed to piano lessons for your little Mozart chances are you’ve thought about the need for a piano at home but have been scared off when you realized how much they cost. PianoPiano takes that fear away. They are really affordable. Oh, and it gets better.
If you’re like me and not sure your little could sit still for a full-fledged lesson they recommend Flow Key. Flow Key is an app that can give your little piano lessons for FREE. Yup, it’s a free download and makes learning the piano feel easy. In my eyes, this was a win-win. We could have a Piano Piano Piano in our home, download the app and the whole family can learn to play. Talk about money saving! I’m all about finding ways to budget. For about $80 a month everyone in your home can take piano lessons. Talk about a great way to bond a family.
Oh, and don’t worry New Yorkers living in walk-ups. PianoPiano understands our pain. I live in a third floor walk-up with narrow staircases. The delivery men were amazing. They got my piano up the stairs and in my apartment in no time. And they were so nice. I’m not that nice after lugging my groceries upstairs! When it came to scheduling delivery it was a breeze and they gave a real window of time to work with, not like the cable guys do. And someone will even come to your home to tune the piano for you.
Stay tuned to see if we will be ready to perform at Carnegie Hall in a few weeks!