Less Stuff More Adventure 6 Month Update

Less Stuff More Adventure 6 Month Update

So, we are already halfway through 2019. WOW!!! Can you really believe that?! I can’t. Is it just me that feels the older we get the faster the year goes by? Is this another part of adulting? Anyway, I digress. A lot has changed since my last update, so let’s get to it. Our Year of No Spending turned into us Completing Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. We had the opportunity to be apart of a pilot program where we did the program virtually, which was awesome because we didn’t have to worry about finding a babysitter and we could take it wherever we were as long as we had a phone with us. The good news is that since we started the program we have been on the same page with our finances and our financial goals for the future.

financial peace university

I know your probably wondering if we are shopping? The answer to that is yes, and no. Following Financial Peace University we went through our monthly finances and saw where our money was going. Remember that this started for us because we were tired of spending money at Target on things that didn’t really mean anything to us. Since then we have been able to see what’s really important to us. We also wanted to travel and do things that we otherwise wouldn’t have been able to do because we spent all of our money at Target. We are still only shopping for what we need versus what we want. We have been really good about not making impulse purchases. Doing this has not only helped me to get Debt Free but it also allowed me to travel to The Momference Event in DC that happened in May. I was able to fly out for the weekend and attend the conference and have ZERO Guilt about spending the money on myself.

(District MotherHued Courtesy Photo)

I am so glad we changed courses and took the Financial Peace University Course. It was definitely the best thing for us to do. Debt free living is freeing and giving us more time to do what we love. We are still not purchasing things that don’t matter and definitely still living our year with less stuff and more adventure. Speaking of Adventure I a currently planning our trip to London and Paris this fall. If you have any recommendations on where we should go or do while across the pond leave the recommendations in the comments.

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