We all know that no birthday party is complete without some fun swag bags. For JustaBXgirl’s 007 SUPER SPY SCHOOL party I wanted to be very intentional with the swag included. Did you know that INTENTIONAL is my word for this year? I didn’t want to include items in the swag bag that didn’t serve a purpose or relate to our theme. I was really excited about how the bags turned out so I thought I would share them with you with my reasoning for each item. Oh! Another thing I did for the party was to give the bags out at the beginning rather than the end. It was part of the “registration” component of the party. It also allowed the little spies to have something to do as we waited for more friends to arrive! Once our spies arrived we brought them over to registration and gave them their spy swag and went through the items included:
The first items were selected for our dress code. Each spy received a ski mask to wear so that their identities remained confidential. To go along with confidentiality they received a pair of gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints. This was a way that I thought was awesome to get children to stay warm since many of the littles I know don’t like wearing hats and gloves.
Next in the bag, they received a small note pad and a pencil both branded TOP SECRET. For some extra fun, we threw in an invisible ink pen since we just got them into stuck at JustABow. Who doesn’t want to send invisible messages? JustaBXgirl actually used her invisible pen to leave me sweet messages for Valentine’s Day. If you don’t want to buy pens you can also have the spies learn how to make their own invisible ink. I know it has something to do with lemon juice but I didn’t want them playing in the juice in the cold.
We also added a tiny light in their bags (also available from JustaBXgirl’s company, JustABow). The lights come in different colors so we said these could be used by teams to send secret messages. Thinking back, this would have been a great time to teach them a few morse code messages. Let me know if you decide to do that for your party!
But wait, there’s more! Each spy went home with a reusable cup. I had planned on us making hot chocolate during the party to keep warm and using the cups but I wasn’t that prepared. However, thanks to Mabel’s Labels I looked prepared because each cup was labeled with 007 Super Spy School using their round label pack. We love that there are so many different ways to use Mabels Labels in our everyday life.
And since Mabel’s Labels are so very dear to us, we loved including their birthday party pack in everyone’s bags. These are a favorite of mine. I have also used them for school gift bags. What class mom is better than me?
Out of all of the birthday parties that I have put together for JustaBXgirl the 007 one was one of my favorites and the swag bag was a big reason. I really liked giving the guests items that could be used rather than just more junk to fill their homes.