Sweet Suite is one of those days that I hold my breath hoping I get an invite to every year. This year, I was holding my breath that the event would happen. It did happen. It just happened in a brand new way. Our friends at The Toy Insider always make sure the afternoon is one not to be forgotten and this year wasn’t any different. They definitely made a pivot and saved the day.

The Toy Insider created a one of a kind interactive digital event that kept us wanting more. Seriously, JustaBXgirl cried when the event was over. It took a little while for us to adjust to the online experience but once we got the hang of how to get around it was a great time. It was so good to see so many of our toy friends. I didn’t realize how much I missed them until I saw their beautiful faces.
I loved being able to share some of the toys I got to check out during Toy Fair with JustaBXgirl and see if she liked the ones I thought she would. It was fun discovering new items with her and we truly loved getting to be a part of some of the activations. Yup, some of our toy friends sent us advance packages so that we could be part of the fun and play with the products from the comfort of our own homes!
I promise that I’m not bragging. This event is one that we look forward to every year because we get to catch up with friends from different brands and different blogs. This is an event where JustaBXgirl gets to practice her networking skills and I get to see how much of her own person she is becoming. Tis year was very different but still very appreciated.
I’m hoping when the world opens up Sweet Suite can become a two day event having one day digital and one day in person.
Here are a few of our favorite moments from the day!