This happens every year. We all say that this is the year that we will not be shopping right up until Christmas Eve. Then what happens? We remember that we have just one (or twelve) more gifts to get. At least this year we can blame it on the pandemic and the fact that most of us have been living the same day since March.
I get it. I start my shopping early. I’m talking December 26th sales. Even still, I am always scrambling come these last shopping days for someone’s gift that I forgot or I realize that the stockings don’t seem full enough. Or JustaBXgirl adds another 83,754,986,596,785 items to her list and she mentions one that I know just makes sense to get now.
I got you. Here are a few things that I just know will make someone on your list smile. How do I know? Because they make us smile. And I can be hard to get to crack a smile!

Made Lifestyle Collection – This is a one-stop shop, my people! Think that I’m lying? Go check them out. MadeLC is a man’s accessories boutique BUT that doesn’t mean you won’t find anything for ladies in your life (or even children)! They sell the most amazing sets, have gorgeous ties and bow ties, dreamy pocket squares, scintillating scents, and gifts for travelers. I cannot wait to use our passport covers when the world is safe to travel.

The Flintstones Complete Series – What better time to “Meet the Flintstones” then when we are at home with nothing but time to watch all SIX seasons and two movies??? I love The Flintstones. I would be psyched to open this on Christmas Day and probably would want to watch it right away. How long do you think it would take you to watch all 166 episodes?

Tom and Jerry Nutcracker Tale – JustaBXgirl LOVES her some Tom & Jerry. This new original film is perfect to put on either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. If you are or have a Tom & Jerry fan at home then you don’t want to miss this new to be classic.

Creatable World – I remember being mind blown when I saw these at Toy Fair. Wow, that seems like a lifetime ago. I miss in-person toy events! I thought this was such a smart idea for a multitude of reasons. The one doll can become so many different characters by changing clothes and wigs. The deluxe set is currently on sale on Amazon and will bring hours of entertainment and creativity to littles. Think of the doll as a blank slate ready for whatever adventure the child is ready for that play day.

Club Eimmie – JustaBXgirl loved this so much when we checked it out for a review that she asked her godmother for a subscription for Christmas! This is a fun subscription service for kids. Or should I say for dolls?! Did you see our Reels when JustaBXgirl’s doll unboxed an order? Getting these packages has made JustaBXgirl’s imagination grow with the adventures her and her doll get to go on.

SlimyGloop Slimy Sand – This is so satisfying to play with. There are different versions but this is my favorite. I feel like the colors are visually stimulating and the texture is amazing to play with and help calm. This set comes with three pounds of slimy sand so there is enough to share and create. And the mom in me loves how mess-free this is.

Braille Skateboarding Skate Anything Ramp Set – Our love of these is no secret. You have seen them over on IG and even in a previous Toy School post. I think these are multi-faceted toys that work for all kids (age-appropriate of course, they do have small parts). This set is bound to spark creativity. It even looks good on display for collectors.

Hatchimals Colleggtibles Cosmic Candy Shop 2-in-1 Playset – Soooo, you know how I love a bargain, right? This playset has me OBSESSED. First, it’s Hatchimals Colleggtibles (which we are huge fans of). Second, it only costs $15. And third, which is HUGE, this playset is actually TWO playsets, Yup, all you have to do is FLIP IT and you have a different theme.