I’m really excited about this month’s booklist. I really could have written full posts on most of these titles but I wanted you to find them all in one place. There’s plenty to get you in the Halloween season mood as well as some everyday reads as well. Even though, in our home, Halloween reads happen around the calendar.

The Unofficial Hocus Pocus Cookbook -We’re officially in Hocus Pocus season. How many times have you watched the movie so far this year? This cookbook has over 60 recipes that will make you feel right at home with the Sanderson sisters. And don’t worry, no children are included in any of the recipes!

The Unofficial Hogwarts Cookbook For Kids – You don’t have to be a house-elf to cook up Hogwarts favorites, you just need this book. This book is a must-have for all of the true fans out there and will make a delicious holiday gift. It has 50 recipes that will make you squeal with delight with the simplicity of each. It is a fun way to get little witches and wizards into the kitchen.

Gross Goodies – This book will have you squeal with disgust. The recipes are ones that your littles will love. The titles of the foods will make you squirm. Anyone looking for an at-home Halloween experience should definitely check this out.

Squeaky Clean Super Funny School Jokes for kidz – If you’ve been here for a while then you know that I’m a sucker for kid jokes. All my friends know if I tell a joke then it will be a corny one. This book is filled with ones that make me chuckle and JustaBXgirl groan.

Listified!: Britannica’s 300 lists that will blow your mind – I am a huge trivia buff so I am eating up this book. This book was written for people like me. I love opening up to a random page and learning or relearning interesting facts. I’m not sure that JustaBXgirl is enjoying me as much though. I’m constantly turning to her and asking her if she knew something or other. The thing is, she’s big on trivia so she actually is familiar with a great deal found in the book. It’s a fun way to keep her reading and to spend time together.

Making a baby – This book is AMAZING. I really planned to write a whole post on this book. It is a wonderful way to explain the birds and bees to littles. Making a baby explains all of the ways that babies join families in simple terms that littles can understand. I will share that this book isn’t a fairy tale. It is direct and shows illustrations of naked bodies and body parts. It uses the real names of body parts. I’m excited to use this book as part of our science curriculum this year. I’m also excited to have a way to explain a simple, yet complicated part of life to JustaBXgirl without having to find the words on my own.