I missed last week’s #FatherFriday so I wanted to make sure to give you a really good one this week. Today’s fantastic father isn’t one that has a blog or a witty account or anything like that. He’s just a dad I know that I think deserves a shout out.
I met Jamal G more years ago than I would like to admit. We spent time in the same circles but never really got to know each other. It wasn’t until we became friends on social media that I got a peek into his real life (hear I go sounding like a stalker lol). Over the years the one thing that has remained constant is that the love this man has for his daughter shines through the screen. He’s not a parttime or holiday dad. He is the real deal. He is cheering her through ups and downs.
Not too long ago he wasn’t able to spend as much time with her. Not once did he give up. Not once did he stop trying to give her his all. Not once did he use an excuse to not be the dad she has always known.
This man literally moved to be closer and ensure that he was always part of his daughter’s world. I love seeing him post pictures of her, of them (here I go sounding stalkerish again lol). It’s true though. I look forward to seeing where their next adventure takes them even if it’s just to the livingroom to put together Legos.
Every child should know what unconditional love feels like. I have no doubt that Jamal’s little girl will ever forget it.
It was really hard to find photos without both of them on his page so I won’t include photos since his account is private. If you want to get to know this dad (ladies he’s single) check out his Instagram and Facebook.