#30DayBloggingChallenge – Where Have You Been?

#30DayBloggingChallenge – Where Have You Been?

I just realized that I hadn’t posted my 30 Day Blogging Challenge post this week! How did no one remind me??? As I type this, JustaBXgirl is yelling at me that it is time to go to bed. Doesn’t she understand deadlines and schedules? I think Day 5’s assignment is one of my favorites. A Picture Of Somewhere You’ve Been…

I used to travel a lot before JustaBXgirl was born. Just thinking of some of the places I’ve visited makes me smile. Honestly, thinking of any place I’ve visited makes me smile. I just told a friend today that the reason I live my life with no regrets is because I’ve been blessed with such an amazing life that I really don’t have a reason to regret anything.

I started wondering what picture I should choose from when there are so many memories and locations to select from. Should I choose a work trip or a leisure trip? Then I started thinking of the amazing local places I could choose. I do live in one of the greatest cities ever built. I mean, it sounded like a simple assignment when I first read it, A Picture Of Somewhere You’ve Been…

But it really isn’t that simple. At least not at this moment in time. To choose one photo of a place I’ve been would mean to not choose so many others.

So here you go…after very careful deliberation (and a three year old trying to put me to bed) I’ve decided on this photo…


This photo represents the most important place I’ve ever been. I’ve been part of a family. I’ve been nurtured, protected and told the truth about life and myself. I’ve been surrounded by love. I’ve been given the opportunity to birth love. I’ve been blessed with being a mother and having two parents that continue to protect and provide for me in a way that I only pray to be able to do for my daughter.

I’ve been blessed with passport stamps. I’ve been blessed with domestic trips that have forever held smiles in my head and heart. Still, not one of those trips or places can compare to the overwhelming joy, love and completion that comes from looking at this photo. The best place I have ever been was welcoming my baby girl into this world and introducing her to her grandparents.

Where have you been?

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