When we moved in January we had to say goodbye to one of my best friends. We were unable to keep our little washing machine. That probably has you laughing at me but let me tell you, I and that washing machine were close. We spent just about every day together.
Our new apartment doesn’t allow personal machines so my little buddy was sent away to live somewhere else. That means that now I have to do my laundry in a public laundromat!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!
Going from doing laundry daily to doing it once or twice a month has been a major change. We are talking MAJOR change. My child has never known life without a machine at home. She is the type of person to change her outfit four times a day and throw each one in the wash because she wore it for five minutes! I was fine with this. It worked, even if it did mean that I was doing TONS of extra laundry. After the move, I couldn’t handle this behavior any longer.

This is definitely first-world problems but it drove me crazy seeing the dirty clothes piles grow overnight because she went through wardrobe changes for each remote learning class of the day! I still have to remind her at times that she doesn’t have to put something that she wore for a short period of time in the wash. I have shared that it is okay to reuse some items. This child looked at me crazy when I first started sharing these pearls of wisdom.
We still throw one wear items in the laundry if we have worn them outside but truth be told, we haven’t been going out much. While the world has reopened, we are happy for the most part in our cocoon of home. That being said, now my child doesn’t want to ever put her favorite items in the dirty clothes bags because she doesn’t know when they will be taken to the laundromat. She will wear the same outfit for a week straight if I let her, or I will find dirty clothing under her bed because she isn’t ready to part with it for an undetermined amount of time.

This means that by the time the clothing actually gets to the laundromat it is actually DIRTY! Say what? Allowing clothing to actually get dirty? Letting sweat sink in? Letting dirt have time to settle into the folds? I know, I’m here sharing our “dirty laundry” with the world. I’m sharing because I’m betting some of you are getting a good laugh at my expense.
And, I’m sharing because I’m not letting the dirty laundry win. Yup, even if the piles now get taller and heavier than I am, they will not win! Want to know why? I got back up. I don’t go to the laundromat without my clean team partner. I make sure that on these now rare trips I have reinforcements. I have Biz Stain & Odor Eliminator on my side.

I had no idea of the science behind stain fighting. That’s okay though because I don’t need to understand the science, Biz does! Biz includes more stain-fighting ingredients than other brands. It is kind of surprising how many stains you can get right at home. It makes me feel less stressed knowing that Biz got my back.
We will be planning lots of adventures for the summer. That means even less time for this mama to worry about laundry. That is okay though because my partner in grime will keep my clothing so fresh and so clean. I knew that Biz and I were a true match made in cleanliness when I used the powder and it completely dissolved in the wash. I can’t lie, I was hesitant. I used the liquid regularly and kind of shunned the powder at first because powders have scarred me in the past. Not this one. It works just as wonderfully as the liquid. Both stay on my wish list.

I’ll let my partner (Biz) do all of the heavy lifting while JustaBXgirl and I do the difficult honors of making those stains! Seriously though, it puts this mama’s mind at ease that even when using a public machine my clothing can come out so fresh and so clean.