We have stayed indoors more this year than probably any year before. We have had very limited play dates. We have not attended any blogging events since February. JustaBXgirl has been attending remote learning since March. There have been no vacations. And yet still, laundry is piling up like crazy.

JustaBXgirl will change clothes four times a day sometimes and put each outfit in the wash after wearing, even if it was only worn briefly. Pair that with the fact that she drops a lot more food on herself having so many more snacks and meals at home than she has since she was eating in high chairs.
Oh, and don’t forget all of the regular cleaning that I have been doing. I’ve been attempting to purge clothes and items we no longer need. Yet, somehow, the more I try to purge, the more I find to hold onto. We found JustaBXgirl’s pre-k bookbag as I decided to empty one of our closets. It is pink and a unicorn. Two things that she is no longer really into BUT when she saw it, she became super excited. Then she saw how dirty it was and became sad.

Wasn’t a problem though because I have added Biz and Kids ‘N’ Pets to my laundry list. I’ve used them on and off for years but only when I really needed the boost. Now, as a brand ambassador, I use them regularly because I want to make sure that what we use is really clean. Using BIZ as a booster to my everyday detergent means that I am upping whichever detergent is on sale’s power up to 80%. It also works for pre-treatment if you have a stain you’re trying to get rid of.

And then Kids ‘N’ Pets should be in every home. When you spend a lot of time at home, chances are there will be a lot more to make your home smell. If it will smell good or bad is clearly in your hands. Kids ‘N’ Pets is an all-purpose stain and odor remover. This is quick working and truly all-purpose. I use it regularly in my bathroom and kitchen. And love having it around for those times we dogsit for my grandmother’s dog.

Together these two products have become MVPs in my home. And I couldn’t let the year come to an end without sharing them with you. BIZ comes in three forms, powder, liquid, and liquid booster packs. You can find BIZ at Target, Amazon, and Walmart. Walmart currently has the best prices of the three. Kids ‘N’ Pets comes in two sizes, 27 ounces, and 1-gallon bottles. It can also be found at Walmart and Amazon. Once again, Walmart won in the price category.
Have you used either brand? Do you love them as much as I do? What’s the toughest thing that they have helped you clean?