The thing I love about today’s #Momprenuer is that her childhood dreams weren’t about becoming rich and famous but about helping others. She wanted to build orphanages and animal shelters. And now as an adult she still strives to make a positive impact on the world. She also has founded a company that allows our littles to dream their dreams in style.
Gabriela Anggono is the owner and founder of Rookie Humans. Don’t you just love the name? Find out how she came up with it in our interview below. As a mom of two Gabriela realized that sheets are what photos are made of! Seriously though, how many photos did you take of your baby in their crib or on a bed???
Gabriela decided that she wanted to bring the bland to life. After all who can’t use some inspiration in bringing the magic of babyhood to life when it comes to photos? And think of how much more magical your littles dreams will be as they fall asleep to these beautiful images.

What were you doing before you came up with the idea for your business?
I had quit my full-time job in advertising to chase an adventure: we had our first baby and moved to France. I embraced becoming a SAHM and immersed myself in the new culture. It was a wonderful time in my life journey. Two years later we moved to NYC where our second baby was born. I felt it was time to jump back into the workforce. I was in the process of figuring out what to do next when inspiration struck.
The idea behind Rookie Humans was sparked by the birth of my second son. I took a few months to conduct research and convince myself that I was fully ready to commit to starting my own business, and officially started building it in September 2015.
How did you come up with the name of your business?
It was a collaboration with a dear friend and ex-coworker, Kristina Altepeter. I was feeling a bit stuck, my list of names just wasn’t right, and Kristina offered to help. She knows me really well, my quirky personality and sense of humor. She completely understood where I was going with the brand and sent me a list of names. Rookie Humans immediately captured my heart. I now refer to my kids as my little rookie humans. I think it’s sweet and playful, and captures the sense of learning and discovery of childhood.
Three things you’ve learned since starting the business.
- That there is an incredible underground network of mompreneurs helping each other succeed – it’s very inspiring.
- There is value in being a newcomer, and there is value in entering an industry you know nothing about. You bring a fresh perspective and are not constricted by the usual way of doing things.
- To trust my instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, find an alternative.
Why should we shop your brand?
My goal is to bring a sense of magic, whimsy and cheerfulness to a child’s room. You should only shop our products if they make you smile, there should be no other reason for it. But know that if you do, you are supporting a small shop and a mom that is working incredibly hard to turn her creative idea into a strong business.
Where do you see the business being in five years? In fifteen?
I would like to expand beyond bedding, but remain focused on bringing creativity, uniqueness and a sense of wonder to children’s rooms.
Who is your biggest supporter?
The list is long, but especially my mom and my husband. They never doubted for a second in my ability to run this business successfully.
Who is your biggest inspiration?
My babies. Without them there would be no Rookie Humans. They inspired the idea and get full credit for it. Motherhood has made me more creative and fearless than ever before. I made people, so nothing is impossible!
Three brands other than yours that you support.
Etsy: A lot of dreams are taking flight on that platform.
Koala Crate: As I get increasingly busy, I love that their boxes remind me to stop and get creative with the kids.
Mompreneurs in general: I have a lot of respect for all the moms out there following their hearts and trying to make something out of nothing.
Parenting advice you would like to share.
Embrace the chaos. Perfection is overrated.
Your take on #Momguilt
Momguilt… Don’t fall into that trap. Every Mother’s Day my Facebook feed is filled with grown children announcing to the world they have the best mom in the world. All of their moms were as flawed as we are, sometimes cranky, sometimes they made mistakes… but they are still the best moms in the world to their particular children. As long as there is love in your heart, you are just perfect.
Favorite knock knock joke
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Etch who?
Bless you! (he he)