NYC Things To Do: UniverSoul Circus

NYC Things To Do: UniverSoul Circus

Growing up in the Bronx I remember we always had to go into the City for pretty much everything other than the Zoo.  That’s probably why I get so excited when new places and experiences pop up in the Bronx.  And if you’re familiar with NYC then you know nothing ever happens in places north of the Bronx like mount Vernon and Yonkers.  Not anymore though.  This year for the first time ever the UniverSoul Circus will be happening in Mount Vernon (which is basically a suburb of the Bronx).

This year will also be the first time that JustaBXgirl, myself, JustaBXgrandpa and my nephew attend the show.  Yup, we’re all getting to attend our first UniverSoul experience together and I for one am really looking forward to it.  I know you’ve seen the ads.  The energy and excitement shown in the advertisement makes me know that it will be the best first circus for JustaBXgirl.  My baby loves to dance.  She loves music, she loves dancing, she loves seeing people perform.  And you all know she loves gymnastics so I know she will love the acrobats.

universoul circus bone breakers acrobats

I’ve been trying really hard to keep it a secret from her but the excitement is growing and even JustaBXgrandpa gets hyped when the commercials come on.  We will be going next week and I doubt we will be able to keep the secret that long.  At least it will only be a few days of her asking is it time yet as opposed to weeks of her trying to figure out a countdown.  We will be attending as media and will be doing a review so stay tuned to my social media accounts to see fun behind the scenes moments at the event.  Then come back here to get our takes.

The UniverSoul Circus will be performing in Mount Vernon at Hutchinson Field from May 16th – May 29th on their last NYC stop.  If you haven’t already got your tickets you can get them directly on Ticketmaster.  Tickets start at $16.


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