I asked JustaBXgirl what my first post of the new year should be about and she said the Louis Vuitton exhibit we went to on New Year’s Day. I was set to follow her instructions because let’s face it, she’s the boss around here no matter what I might say. Then I opened up WordPress and stopped. I’ve been doing that a lot lately. And not because I don’t have anything to write but because there is too much noise encircling me that I can’t hear the words I need to say.
Do you ever feel that way? Do you ever have so much going on around you that you just have to stop? I’m here to tell you that it is okay to just stop and sit sometimes. The littles won’t go hungry. The laundry pile might get bigger but the littles won’t go outside naked either. That assignment that you have hanging over your head at work? Newsflash, you will complete it. Just like you’ve completed all the ones that came before it.
Sometimes it is okay to sit in silence. It is okay to give yourself permission to just stop. Those of you that follow me on social media know I am always on the go. There is always something to do, someplace to be, and someone to meet. Very little of my life is spent stopping. Even when I’m on the computer I am doing a hundred things at once. As I type this I have over 10 tabs open on my browser trying to accomplish a gazillion must-dos before I have to leave for school pickup in a half hour. Will I get everything completed? Nope, not even close. Will I get some of it done? Sure. And the rest will find a way when it is time.
That’s the thing. There’s always something to do. And when you finish that thing there’s something else waiting. So while this year everyone seems to be about doing more, being more, creating more, I’m going to try something different. I am going to attempt to slow down. I am going to breathe more. I am going to take my time and not beat myself up when things take longer than I expected. I am going to learn to sit in the silence and get comfortable.
I’m doing this not just for me but for my daughter too. Our littles watch what we do so much more than they listen to what we say. If I’m constantly juggling life and missing out on being present what am I teaching my baby? I look at her and how much she’s grown in the blink of an eye and I want her to always see me as the hero she thinks I am today. I want to always be my best for her. And the only way I can do that is if I take the time now to stop a little and learn how to be here, be now, be present. And sitting in the silence will help me get there.
Happy New Year!