When we got invited by The Moms to attend an advance screening of Paddington 2 I was worried because we haven’t seen the Paddington Movie. I’m learning though that when it comes to movies geared towards children you can usually catch up pretty quickly. Either way even without having seen the first I didn’t hesitate to RSVP yes to the screening. Why, you ask? Well, it’s simple, The Moms invited me. I know that Melissa (yup, she’s Melissa too) and Denise do not attach their name to anything they don’t believe is worthwhile. And I know Warner Brothers isn’t lacking in quality either. The icing was that this was also being presented by Peapod. Umm, I need you all to stop reading for a moment and look to my sidebar. Do you see that ad for Peapod? I use them at least once a month and have been doing so way before I became a blogger.
I told JustaBXgirl we would be attending a movie screening. When she asked which, I said Paddington 2 and was prepared to introduce the character to her as I don’t think we’ve read his stories together and like I said I know she hadn’t seen the movie. This little child of mine already knew who Paddington was and looked at me like I was crazy for thinking she wouldn’t. Monday we headed down to catch the screening right afterschool and were able to sit with a few of our blogger buddies.
We were in for such a treat. Hugh Bonneville introduced the movie to us! He was so charming and shared anecdotes about his own son and his love of Paddington which is one that I’m sure most of us have from childhood. Can I share that we were hooked from the opening scene? You already know I won’t share anything that can be misconstrued as a spoiler but trust me this movie pulled us right in. Do you remember how I’ve been talking about wanting to be a better person? This movie was another of God’s messages being delivered right on time. Throughout the movie, Paddington reminds others that Aunt Lucy says, “If we are kind and polite the world will be right”.
This is a message that our world needs right now. I was so happy to share it with JustaBXgirl. I was also happy that even though it was in a movie that she knows is make-believe she was still given great examples of how kindness can change a person’s outlook on things. It reminded me that we all must grow kindness at every opportunity.
I loved the messages of friendship, loyalty, and family that remained strong throughout the movie. This does have a PG rating so I want parents to know that going in but my almost 5-year-old loved it and some of the reasons it received the rating went right over her head. The movie was so good that when we left JustaBXgirl and New mommy Bliss’ daughter pointed out every Paddington 2 ad they saw on the way home including stopping to take photos with a bus stop ad.