I repeat Mother’s Day is not canceled. I know that right now it is really difficult to plan celebrations. I know that right now we all feel like there are more important things to fret over than what is on our wish list or what we are getting for our mothers but the truth is we NEED to celebrate. We need to spend every opportunity that we get to celebrate life. We need to celebrate the women in our world that make our motherhood journey more manageable.
Now, I must confess. I truly believe that. I believe that we need to celebrate each moment but that doesn’t mean that I have been following my advice. I have spent too much time playing worst-case scenario and armageddon games in my head that I let the calendar flap away without noticing that Mother’s Day is this weekend!!!!!!!!! Argh. And Amazon Prime is not really delivering in Prime Time right now so I’ve decided that it is okay to recognize that we need to celebrate and still celebrate at a later date if that is what you need to do!

Since I’ll be staying in this weekend and celebrating at home with JustaBXgirl, I thought I would share a few of the things on my personal list this year as opposed to things I’m getting for others. These are things that are going to help me feel better about the world being closed and being stuck inside a one-bedroom apartment for the foreseeable future.

Crystal True Minerals Advanced Dental Whitening System – I’ve been wanting to try a whitening system for a while but was worried about using one that might be harmful to my teeth. I know I can trust the Crystal brand. This one is vegan and free of all artificial colors and flavors and made with clean ingredients so my mind can rest at ease as I make my smile shine brighter!

Coco Moon Mommy & Me Robes – Both JustaBXgirl and I would much rather be spending Mother’s Day somewhere on vacation enjoying sun and sand. We both wish we could be waking up and inhaling sea water scents from a balcony looking cute in our matching robes but alas, we will be home. We can still be cute in matching robes though, can’t we?

Mom Is Love Tote Bag – I love tote bags. I have more than I would like to admit but never feel like there is enough. When I launched a Teespring store I knew that totes would definitely be part of the plan. This one is perfect to remind us that we are love and love is magic so that means that moms are magic!

#MomLife Mug – We have been drinking so much tea at home and it made me realize that I need new mugs! This one is a perfect way to start the day. Do you have a favorite mug?

Vistaprint Customizable Photo Gifts – Vistaprint is my go-to for business needs but I didn’t realize that they also have gift options! I was super excited by the options and decided on using my coupon code towards a fleece photo blanket. Which gift would you choose?