Okay, this month was a good streaming month. I’m talking so good that I couldn’t wait until the end of the month to share what we are watching! Check out what is keeping us entertained below.

Scoobtober – Scooby-Doo has always been a favorite in our home. We are happy that Scoobtober is back this year. HBO Max and Cartoon Network are airing 17 hours of Scooby content this month. How many will you watch?

Alma’s Way – Please tell me that you have already seen this show? It is my new favorite. Alma is a little Puerto Rican girl from The Bronx!!! She is also a great friend, sister, cousin, daughter, niece, and granddaughter. Yup, she’s an all-around good person. Alma’s Way is on PBS Kids and focuses on helping littles find their voices. It is grounded in a social-emotional curriculum and is brought to us by Sonia Manzano (Maria from Sesame Street) and Fred Rodgers Productions.

Polly Pocket Season 3: Rainbow Funland Adventures – Polly Pocket is another of JustaBXgirl’s favorite shows. I’m happy the third season is out so she can stop rewatching the first two, over and over! This season, Polly and her friends are leaving Littleton! Crazy, I know! They’re heading to a magical theme park.

Maya and the Three – We are super excited about this one. Every time JustaBXgirl saw the trailer, she reminded me that she wanted to see it. I was super hyped when we got to catch it a few days early with a virtual screening. Don’t worry, you can watch it Friday on Netflix.

Muppets Haunted Mansion – We love the Muppets and we love The Haunted Mansion. Suffice to say, combining them made a movie that we will be watching again and again. This movie will now be part of our Halloween traditions. Bonus perk to it: Will Arnett is in it and JustaBXgirl knows him from LEGO Masters.