#HiHomeschool Miacademy Review

#HiHomeschool Miacademy Review

We were given the opportunity to review this curriculum for free. As always, all opinions are honest and my own.

I know, I know, you’re thinking it’s almost January, why am I still sharing new curriculum? The thing is, at least in my home, we keep mixing our curriculums up. I’m not sure if it’s just because we’re new to the homeschool world or because both JustaBXgirl and I have short attention spans, but it works in our home. That’s the beauty of homeschool. We get to decide what we will be using and when we will be using it. I’m here today to share our thoughts on Miacademy.

We love it! Blog post done.

For real though, this online learning platform is one that I would have used even while JustaBXgirl was in traditional school if I knew it existed. It includes ways to reach all types of learners. Lessons are given through videos, PDF printable sheets, quizzes, and games. It has the opportunity to create an avatar, which JustaBXgirl loves. AND it allows children to learn entrepreneurship skills while showcasing their artistic skills. If you know anything about JustaBXgirl then you know that those things are her in a tee!

In our home, we use a number of curriculum because JustaBXgirl needs to be able to have options. If I only give her one avenue to learn through I’ve noticed she doesn’t want to participate as fully and she doesn’t retain the info as long. Miacademy is a winner because it allows her to switch topics when she feels her attention wane on one. The lessons are also short enough that she completes them before feeling sluggish. She can switch between subjects in her learning path or even shut down the computer and review the PDF companion sheets that she’s downloaded and printed from Miacademy.

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As a parent, I appreciate that they have a scope and sequence for each grade. It lets me know clearly what is expected. It also gives me the opportunity to set my expectations and be realistic about JustaBXgirl’s abilities. I get to follow up the scope with the weekly emails that inform me of JustaBXgirl’s activities over the past week. I can see what JustaBXigrl accomplished with a glance because the email breaks down the information in a simple way.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the Shop aspect of Miacademy. It really might be JustaBXgirl’s favorite part. Parents can give the okay in settings for their littles to open a shop. In the shop, they create clothing and decor for themselves and for the entire Miacademy community. They set the price for each item and earn gold coins. They also earn coins by completing lessons and parents can give gold as a reward. Think of this as a bonus lesson on financial literacy!

  1. How do children learn using this curriculum? Based on the curriculum parents select, students have a learning path. It is an online curriculum that includes PDF lessons and worksheets so that students do not spend the entire time staring at a screen.
  2. How can I track what my child is doing? Besides setting lesson plans for our children, we can opt in to receive weekly updates on what our child has been up to. The weekly reports include a break down of what they covered, watched and created during the week. You also have access to the Parent Account where you can monitor their attendance and access reports.
  3. What input do I have in what my child is learning? Let’s get back to the Parent Account for a second, the Curriculum tab gives you access to choose what your child learns. You can also choose across different grades and different topics.
  4. What grades does this curriculum cover? This site covers K-8 but they have a new high school program, Mia Prep.
  5. What does this curriculum cost? Right now you can get 1 month for $1.99! The site gives monthly, annual, and lifetime membership options. I am here for the lifetime option!

Don’t forget to head over and check out what my friends at Melanated Gold Review Squad think about this curriculum.

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