Have you seen LEGO Masters? We are huge fans because as you know we love all things LEGO. The show was actually the inspiration behind JustaBXgirl applying for the LEGO Creative Crew at Westchester’s LEGOLAND Discovery Center. She was one of over 100 applicants this year. Each month she has the opportunity to meet up with the other nine Creative Crew members to upgrade their skills. And recently, JustaBXgirl had the opportunity to participate in a real-life LEGO (mini) Master building competition.

Yup, JustaBXgirl applied and got selected as one of the ten finalists to compete for the title of Mini-Master Model Builder. Sadly, she was eliminated in the second round, but that is because the competition was really good. The competition was so good. I’m asking everyone to support Daniel Carrera. The 10-year-old from Richmond Hills, Queens has been crowned Mini-Master Model Builder at LEGOLAND® Discovery Center Westchester. Daniel is another member of the Creative Crew so you know that we are cheering him on and can’t wait to see him win it all!

Daniel will represent LEGOLAND Discovery Center Westchester and New York in a virtual tournament. He will be competing with other Mini-Master Model Builder winners across all of North America, for the title of Ultimate Mini-Master Model Builder. The National competition begins today, June 22nd (my birthday), with the social media voting period ending on June 27th before a winner is chosen. Make sure you follow LEGOLAND Discovery Center Westchester so you learn how to vote for Daniel.
Such an amazing opportunity Love to see so many young people doing such a creative activity She will win it all next time
As long as she has fun it is a victory!