Tag: mommy wars

Mommy Wars – The Birthing Edition

Maybe I should have started the Mommy Wars series with this post.  I guess this is where the wars start. The Birthing Edition.  Also known as “how we get our precious babies from inside our bodies into the world.” We all have our...

Mommy Wars – What is a Single Mom?

Defining who is a single mom has to be one of the worst Mommy Wars.  Not only does it pit single mothers against married mothers but it pits single mothers against each other.  You think I’m exaggerating?   When I was searching for single mom...

#MommyWars – The Series

  Mommy Wars are real!  You have breastfeeding vs. formula feeding, working vs. stay at home, cloth diaper vs. disposable diaper, helicopter parenting vs. free range parenting, married vs single and even single vs. single.  Yup, single vs...

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