Okay, so what had happened was…I forgot Easter was this weekend. I’ve been preparing some really cool content for you (in my head). I just haven’t gotten around to getting it out of my head and onto the blog. I hope that you are not like me and have already gotten your Easter Baskets together. I mean, I do Easter Basket posts annually so I’m sure you could find some great options.

If like me, you have been a bit distracted don’t feel bad. There’s a lot going on right now so we will leave the perfect parenting to Pinterest and commiserate about our procrastination. I can say though that I am fortunate that I have most of what I wanted to include at home, I know Amazon is delaying shipments a bit so I have added Target and Walmart links in this post when available in hopes it helps you find your last minute needs.

Usually, I go for themes when building an Easter Basket. No need for an outdoor fun Easter Basket this year. A creative kids basket might work. Or you can do a basket like the one that I’m doing this year which will be a mixed bunch of fun.

My center item this year will be Coding Critters Bopper from Learning Resources. Being stuck at home means mama has to be creative on how I keep JustaBXgirl learning. I’ve never believed that learning only happens at school and Learning Resources has always been a favorite toy brand when it comes to educational fun at home so including Bopper was a no brainer. Bopper allows our littles to start coding with a screen-free 22-piece coding playset.

JustaBXgirl enjoys mystery books so I am excited to be including an Easter themed mystery, Captain Awesome and the Easter Egg Bandit. I love that she gets engrossed in chapter books. I can’t wait to know what she thinks about this one and if she can call the ending before she reads it. If she likes it we will have to check out more books in the Captain Awesome series.

Moving away from learning to play I decided to stick with what I know works. Calico Critters are always a win around here. There are some fun new items that I can’t wait to see how JustaBXgirl introduces into her Calico Village.

Hopscotch Rabbit Family – This set includes four rabbits, mother Heidi, father Harin, sister Bell and brother Skip. Having these four rabbits move into the neighborhood will lead to hours of fun.

Marshmallow Mouse Triplets – Oh my gosh. These are the cutest things ever. I know that when JustaBXgirl sees them she is going to ooh and aah over them.

Tuxedo Cat Triplets – While the babies are going to make JustaBXgirl swoon, the Tuxedo Cat triplets are going to get into all types of mischievious fun with JustaBXgirl’s vivid imagination.

Baby Shopping Series – There are nine to collect in this series. I believe that JustaBXgirl has four of them. Here’s hoping to complete the collection.

I considered including these in my egg hunt post but then figured that I couldn’t since they weren’t eggs. JustaBXgirl gets a kick out of racing Mighty Beanz and tumbling them around.

We’ve been doing a lot of art at home so the Peeps Design A Bunny is a perfect choice to stay with the Easter theme while providing a new way to do at home art class. It comes with four markers and will look great on our entry table once she finishes designing it.
The last two items I went back and forth on if I wanted to include because during this #NYPause I am not taking JustaBXgirl out of the house. I only leave to get us essentials or to drop off groceries to my mother’s house. It made me wonder if I should really include outdoor fun in the basket or not. I decided to include them in this post since many of you have backyards and your littles can still get fresh air. I figure these will be wonderful to use once we can enjoy the great outdoors again.

Fubbles On The Go – These bubbles will be tons of fun this summer as they are meant to be used on the go. Once the world opens back up and my mommy meter feels safe being out and about you best believe that we will be out and about everywhere.

Fubbles Bubble Camera – I have had a love/hate relationship over the years with bubble machines. Trusting the Fubbles brand I believe that they can sway me back to the side of love. I’m looking forward to laying out on a blanket in the park while JustaBXgirl giggles around playing with this.