What is Digital Learning Day? It’s actually something that has been around for a bit of time. This is the 11th Digital Learning Day being celebrated. It’s basically a day to support, acknowledge and celebrate using technology in education. As a homeschooling mom, I am beyond grateful to be able to use digital learning as a way of bringing the world into our home and JustaBXgirl’s studies.
I’ve been very honest that most of our official learning is done by using the technology of online learning. Back when I was an afterschool homeschooler, we depended on online learning platforms as a way to enhance the lessons that JustaBXgirl received in the classroom. When 2020 came around and the world closed down, I actually realized that while we depended on digital learning in our home, there was a lot with technology that I hadn’t introduced to JustaBXgirl and even less than other students had learned. If I was to look for the silver lining that came from our worlds being turned upside down, one of those lining would come in the form of digital learning becoming commonplace. Children were being introduced to typing, email, and many digital programs at hyper speed. Was the training lacking? Yes! But in many places, I considered these early introductions as a way of leveling an unspoken playing field.
To celebrate how far we have come with welcoming digital learning into our homes, I want to highlight a few apps and programs that remain in rotation in our home. All of these are ones that I am recommending you to check out because there is something about them that has kept us coming back for more!

Zearn – JustaBXgirl used this program in her second-grade remote learning class. I thought it was something that the school paid for and was pleasantly surprised to discover that it was free! Yup, we now use it as her primary math curriculum. It is designed for kindergarten through sixth grade. I believe that I read somewhere that it will be expanding to more grades in the future.

Kahoot! Multiplication – We’ve been fans of Kahoot! learning apps since JustaBXgirl was little. I’m excited that as she’s grown, the apps are growing with her. The Kahoot! Multiplication app is a rockstar because it adapts to where the child is with their multiplication knowledge. Children learn their times tables while taking on challenges and mini-games. It’s the ideal way of keeping learning happening on the go! I think it also matches that big little kid humor to a tee with the graphics and characters.
All/Other Subjects

Miacademy – If you have read my review then you know that we LOVE this site. It is truly a one-stop-shop. It has all core subjects as well languages, art, music and more. If you are having a conversation about digital learning then you must include Miacademy in the discussion. I’m excited that JustaBXgirl gets to use it through elementary and middle school and then she will “graduate” to using Miaprep for high school.

Education.com – This is and always will be one of my most favorite online learning platforms. It has guided lessons for littles. It has worksheets to print and all types of lessons and support for adults. We don’t use it as much as we used to but I still log on monthly to figure out what we will be doing. I also love that it has grown with JustaBXgirl since preschool.

Homeschool Spanish Academy – We all know how important a second language is for children. If you’re like me and only speak one language you need support. HSA is a great place to allow children to take classes with native Spanish speakers and be introduced to the language. You can use this link to book your first class for free. And don’t worry, you can take a class for yourself if you want to learn. They teach children, teens, and adults!